Author: Artur Ventura

  • “something something” fireball.

    I’ve just noticed that I’ve called the Apple car thing back in 2011.

  • Rope

    Somehow, I’ve went somewhere. It felt like the bottom of a well. I don’t know how I got there, I just did. I could see the sky, the clouds and stars, at the top. I could even see the light from bon fires, and the shadows of people going by. At first I hoped that…

  • On: The engineer manager

    Engineers are amazing tools of society. In a puristic world an engineer essentially offer solutions for real problems. But realistically speaking engineers are masters at consensus. One of my engineering school teachers use to say that “There aren’t really solutions, only compromises.”. For most of my professional life this has has been true. Getting information…

  • On: Twitter

    I’ve finished “hatching twitter” last night. Is a well written book about the history of twitter. I feel however that the only person to come out of it as a decent human being was Biz. Noah, that everyone touts as being screwed out of  twitter when it was founded, comes out as being unable to cope…

  • Geocitify the web

    Ever wanted to back to the good old days when you opened a web page and an X-Files MIDI file started playing? When the entire web was “Under-Construction”? add this: javascript:(function(){ var el = document.createElement(“link”); el.setAttribute(“href”, “”); el.setAttribute(“rel”,”stylesheet”); document.getElementsByTagName(“head”)[0].appendChild(el); }()); into your bookmark bar and you can turn every bootstrap site into a geocities page.…

  • So, I was the childish one…

    The flaw I described some time ago was true and is being used in the wild. Some people are such annoying ignorant little bitches.

  • Emacs got sentient

    I started using emacs when I got into colege, around 2003. Emacs, at that time, was this weird program that once I got in I couldn’t get out (hadn’t learned to do C-x C-c yet). Over the course of next 10 years we have grown to know one anther. With each project I’ve changed my…

  • Why popes shouldn’t resign, a logic approach

    Benedict XVI has decided to resign. From a pure logic standpoint this is a weakness point for the catholic church. When the new pope is elected by the conclave there will be two persons alive planet with the gift of infallibility. That means that is possible for a occupant pope to have a different opinion…

  • iMessage Colbat Thorium Bomb

    We all know that Maps is such bad implemented product by Apple (and people got fired by it). We also know siri doesn’t work as well as the package says. But one thing that confounds me how possible is to make something as bad as this is iMessage. Beyond maps or siri, iMessage was so…

  • The American travelogue of Stephen Fry

    Recently I’ve came across “Stephen Fry in America”, a diary of Fry’s travels through out every one of those United States with its faithful Hackney carriage. It is packed with wonderful tidbits, including a very small interview with Jonny Ive talking about the difference between US and UK and the influence of that difference on…