Author: Artur Ventura

  • My month long torrid affair with Tina Fey

    I don’t like working in silence. I don’t mind studying in silence but I don’t like writing or reviewing code without some kind of noise. I listen to the worst music you can imagine1, or whatever late night clips they have put from the they before. Sometimes I listen to these hour long interviews from…

  • When the final bubble pops

    I mostly follow Warren Buffet philosophy regarding investing. I don’t invest in things I don’t understand, and cryptocurrency is no exception. If you have any interest in history you might find cryptocurrency quite similar to the Dutch Tulipenmanie. The deceptively simple nature of bitcoin and its cousins makes it easy for anyone to join the…

  • Vintage X-Files

    X-Files have always been a mark growing up. I wasn’t allowed to watch it, and when I grew up, it played so late that my parents didn’t wanted me up to watch it. It ended up getting tabu fetish mystique, the show I wasn’t allowed to watch. A few years back I finally got hand…

  • Last night the DJ save his livelihood

    In 2014 I was trying to replicate the University of Texas – Austin groundbreaking paper on artificial muscles using nylon fishing line. For that I needed a few tools, a drill, a heat gun, some nylon wires, etc. While I was at amazon, I took a look into duffle bags. My father lended (as in…

  • State of Urban Decay on Facebook

    In the New Year’s Eve of 2014 I was alone at home, waiting for mid night to come. As usual, when I don’t have any kind of arrangement l, buy something special to cook, some pastries and some wine so I can have a special dinner. Now this may seem depressing for many, but I…

  • Can you go beyond the Scientific Method?

    Let me just preface this by saying that I believe in the scientific method and this isn’t a refusal of it. It is just a logic game that I’ve been playing in my mind. I’ve been thinking over the last few years if there’s anything that could be real, but would fail the scientific method.…

  • Series 2 to Series 3: How to approach the Apple Watch

    Last year, around this time, after all the hype I bought an Apple Watch Series 2. Maybe I’ve believed the hype, and around that time the watch was still viewed as a complement to iPhone, that you could extend the whole iOS experience into your pulse. I had a friend that was trying to unload…

  • Summer Vacation Reading

    After started working 7 years ago, this year I was so tired that I really needed an actual vacation, the kind you go to places and don’t think about anything. That means time to read. This was what I was reading: Off Script: An Advance Man’s Guide to White House Stagecraft, Campaign Spectacle, and Political…

  • On: Apple TV Generation 4

    I’ve been fortunate to have been offered an development kit for the Apple TV Gen 4 and have been using one for the past month A photo posted by Artur Ventura (@arturventura) on Oct 8, 2015 at 6:08am PDT The Remote is a Lightning cable, and the box does come with a long Lightning cable, however…

  • CL21 and thoughts on a modern lisp

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis hendrerit sapien vel mauris gravida, nec congue ex posuere. Praesent vel ipsum cursus, lacinia ex interdum, ultricies ex. Sed dictum nibh sit amet faucibus cursus. Donec vitae sagittis lorem. Vivamus et sem et nunc eleifend vehicula ac id ante. Praesent urna eros, porta in aliquam id,…